
To Kill A Mockingbird Still Relevant Analysis

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Though many people know To Kill A Mockingbird takes place in Maycomb Alabama, in 1935, the book is still relevant and important today because there are still many places and societies like Maycomb today. The reason why “To kill a mockingbird” is still relevant and important today is because events that happen in the book still happen today. In the book “To kill a Mockingbird '' we know that a black man, Tom robinsion is accused for something he didn’t do and was found guilty. In chapter 19, Atticus proves all the facts to the jury why Tom Robinson is guilty, at the end he says “this case is as simple as black and white” (lee 231). When Atticus says this he means this case is unfair like how blacks and whites get treated.Racial issues …show more content…

Throughout the book we read that there is a lot of unfairity towards African Americans. In chapter 23 Atticus says, “Those are twelve reasonable men in everyday life, Tom’s jury, but you saw something come between them and reason.. Thers’ something in our world that makes men lose their heads- they could be fair if they tired. In our courts when it a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always win. They’re ugly, but those are facts of life”(295). When Atticus said this he was telling us that even if a black man was gulity it wouldnt matter becuase it would be a white man’s word against a black man’s word. Reading “To Kill A Mockingbird” is a reminder that perjudices still exists in different forms in our societies today. Forms like racism that are still very common and are used today. There are still socites that project prejudice towards colored people based on their race and skin color. This is a cycle that we not only see in the book but in real …show more content…

An example of this can be segregation that separated the whites and african americans apart. In today’s world segregation no longer exists. There have been many changes in soceicties that now give all races equality. Today we can see people of color and whites in same places like schools, jobs etc.. Soceties back in 1996 that dealt with racial issues have improved and have gaven people of color more oppintuinites and fairilty today.

Yes, although societies like Maycomb have changed over time, there are still soceties today that reflect discrimination, inequality etc....Take an example of these organzations that still are around today or have recently between 5 years have vanished, the black nationalist, ku klux klan, neo-Naz, etc…These are organzations that take place in societies today that still discriminate against people of color. In today's world there are similar societies like maycomb. Societies that still havent changed and where rasism still occurs

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