Explain How Did The Carter And Reagan Presidencies Serve Corporate Interests

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How did the Carter and Reagan presidencies serve corporate interests?

The Carter administration started off with strong corporate connections. He wanted and worked to protect corporate wealth and power.. It was became obvious that Caters actions and cabinet appointments only worked to serve corporate interests while harming the working class. Carter created a South African settlement to help boost corporate investments in terms of raw materials. He then created more of these international settlements t and American corporations could now be found throughout the world. About three hundred active United States Corporations, of which seven big banks earned about forty percent of their entire net profits from sources abroad. These corporations …show more content…

Cater also approved tax reforms which greatly benefited corporations. The corporate’s profits rose about forty-four percent in comparison to the previous year. Not only this, but carter signed a law for an eighteen-billion-dollar tax reduction catered to benefit the wealthy and corporations which seemed to be the theme of this administration. Carter’s administration however, would prove to not be the most favorable towards Corporate benefits. During the Regan administration Corporate America again managed to benefit greatly, this time more than ever before. While Carter worked to remove corporate regulations that hurt laborers and consumers alike, Reagan showed great concern for the economy which trampled over worker and consumer concern. Regan wanted to replace environmental laws and regulations and allow businesses to decide what to do for themselves. Reagan continued to lower corporate taxes, which would ultimately hurt his citizens greatly. An example of this was Social Security cuts. Over three hundred thousand people suffered from Social Security and disability benefits cuts. One man who suffered this loss was forced to go back to work …show more content…

Now all the military intervention, losses, and aid to stop communism now seemed unnecessary. The government began to panic because it wanted to protect its ginormous military establishment, and keep foreign peace down and ultimately keep it’s own economic interests out of jeopardy. The Bush administration created foreign interventions known to the public as a “national interest” which lead to more taxes and loss of life. The Bush administration came up with a plan that involved launching two wars in order to combat peace and prove a strong military was still necessary. As a result, wars in Panama and Iraq broke out. Bush felt threatened by Panama’s dictator because he was extremely defiant, corrupt and brutal. Although these characteristics had been overlooked in previous years because he proved useful to the United states, he now was the target of the Bush administration after drug cartel involvement became known. The United states said this threatened the safety of its citizens and invaded Panama with over twenty thousand troops. This war didn’t last long because Panama’s dictator was captured quickly and sent to prison. Of course this didn’t come with no cost to life. The invasion coasted Panama natives thousands of civilian casualties and left countless homeless. The United States took the opportunity to establish strong influence and placed a friendly president in charge. This