To What Extent Is Brazil A Developing Country

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1. How do you know whether the country is a developing or less developing country?
Brazil is a developing country. According to Investopedia, Brazil is still considered a developing country because of their low gross domestic product per capita, low living standards, high infant mortality rate and other factors. Brazil's high birth rate is 15.2 births per 1,000 people. This is one of the distinctiveness of a developing country. Developed countries tend to have much lower birth rates. This is for two reasons. One, because infant mortality rates are low in developed countries due to the fact that families do not have a lot children with the expectation of some of them dying young. Secondly there are more career opportunities, especially for women. This translates to a higher percentage of women either putting aside childbearing or choosing to have fewer children so they can concentrate on their careers.

2. What is the country doing to improve its economic development? …show more content…

To ensure development Brazil will continue to put education and skills first. They are stressing the importance of early childhood education, improving the quality of teaching, reducing the number of drop-outs and expanding occupational training. Brazil is also focusing on improving access and the quality of public services; for example, transportation and health care. Brazil is also fixing the sustainable use of natural resources. Deforestation has slowed down but large areas of forest are still being destroyed. Strictly enforcing the new forest code will be vital to further success in this region and benefiting the

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