To What Extent Was Truman Justified In Dropping The Atomic Bomb

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WWII-Atomic Bomb Thousands and thousands of kids, families gone in seconds from one bomb that was ordered to hit the enemy forces by the United States president. The U.S had a tough decision to make when fighting the second world war and when the first know thing was made called the atomic bomb. The question is, was president Truman justified in dropping the two atomic bombs and killing thousands of lives in a blink of an eye to end the war? Truman wasn’t justified in dropping the bomb because of all the lives that had to be sacrificed. If he just stuck to the original plan and kept going from island to island then maybe less lives would of been taken. Truman did not really see a difference between the bombs because they all looked the same to him he didn’t know what the bomb was capable of, and that's where he was wrong. He could of took many other paths and maybe even …show more content…

Looking at the statistics and charts during the war, the Unites States was already winning the war and the body count and death rate was way lower than the japanese where. If the U.S army stuck to the Island hopping campaign or operation downfall than the war would've still been won by the U.S. History would've turned out way different if the president did not give the order to fire the bomb. Maybe we could of had more allies. President Truman was not justified because of the way that he didn’t really have a plan,There were so many other operations and plans that could've works only if they tried or thought more clearly.(option #1: Invade Japan (operation downfall) President truman could have took many different paths instead of dropping the bomb and ending the war and frightening the Russians. He was just scared and did not think right. “(8) Kreis, steven. “Lecture 14: the origin of the cold