Todd In The Race By Heather Klassen

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“We have to help him!” Todd yelled.” This is what Todd said in “The Race,” by Heather Klassen. Todd is desired to help others and make everyone happy. He does this by going back and helping a little boy and sacrifice his win, he felt bad for the boy and wanted to help. I think the most important reason is when Todd and Brett go back and help the boy when they were super close to winning. For instance in the text “Todd remembered how he and Brett had fought back tears as they watched their dreams sink beneath the water.” This shows that they cared about winning and wanted to win not just for the fun of it but for the fun and the chance of winning. To add to that he would have jumped into the water and swim to the little boy and help him. Todd would have rather went back and help the little boy than in their last year of the 8-12 year olds division win. To support this, Todd also said “And I am going to help him-even if you’re not.” Todd set down his oar and swung his …show more content…

A way he did this is when Brett says “Looks like he built it all by himself. How does he expect to get anywhere in that wreck?” He nods his head as if he was agreeing but in his head he is thinking that does look bad but what about all the hours and effort he put into making it. This shows that he is not thinking if the kid as if he were trash he is thinking of his as if he was just another playing racing wanting to win. To add on to that the little kid had barely moved from the starting line and was moving sideways toward the middle of the lake. To all on to that the little kid had no idea how to “drive” a boat and Todd could relate to that. Furthermore Todd saw that the little boy needed help and did not watch him struggle but convinced brett to go back and help him. In the text, Todd said “But if you help me with that kid’s boat, we can all cross the finish line.” this shows that Todd wants to help everyone and make everyone