Tom Robinson Trial Essay

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Mr. Heck Tate was the first witness to testify at the trial. He says that Bob Ewell told him that Mayella was being raped, so he rushed to the scene. When he arrived at the Ewell property, Mayella was badly injured, with bruises on her arms and face, and there were finger marks on her throat. He notes that most of injuries were on the right side of her face, meaning that the beater was likely left handed. He also notes that no doctors brought to examine Mayella despite her injuries.

I believe Mr. Heck Tate’s Testimony because he does not have a reason that he should lie, and it does not conflict with evidence presented later. He told the truth because there were no reasons to lie in his case.

Bob Ewell says that he heard Mayella screaming from the Ewell house and ran inside. When he did he saw Tom Robinson on Mayella, and Tom fled the scene. He said the room was all slung about like there was a fight, and that Mayella was beat up. The contacted Heck and said that Tom raped Mayella. When Heck arrived Mayella was beaten, but the doctors were not contacted as Bob did not think there was a need to. …show more content…

First, Tom is later shown in trial to be trustworthy and not have anything to hide. Second, Bob is well known to be an alcoholic and abusive person, meaning that he likely beat Mayella himself out of anger. It would explain why he does not call for a doctor, and this cemented by the fact that he does not take enough care of his kids. Third, Bob claims that Tom beat Mayella face on the right side, but Tom's left arm was unusable from when it was caught in a cotton