
Tom Robinson Vs. Mayella In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Sophia P. Olsen
Amber Tomas
Laungage Arts H
20 March 2023

Tom Robinson VS Mayella Imagine sentinceing an innocent man to death. Are you really going to kill an innocent man? How will you be able to sleep at night when you know you sent an innocent man to death? No matter the color of your skin you can be a good or bad person. Color doesn't make you bad or good, you yourself decides that. Tom Robinson deserves an appeal because there was a lack of evidence in many things. Such as lack of physical evidence, racicem, and witnesses. "As you grow older, you'll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don't you forget it—whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich …show more content…

Malella could also be controlled by her dad. I am not attacking you, I am just showing you what appears to be true. Mayella could be controlled by her father or in other words she could alter the truth knowing that the victim's father is relevant. Not only that but when the victim looked up at her father he was staring at her most intently, meaning they're hiding something.She appears to be acting dumb. She may be a little special but I'm sure she can do and think more than she's doing.“I don't recollect if he hit me. I mean yes I do, he hit me.” “She remembers Tom Robinson beating her, she stumbles with her answers, contradicting herself.” ( Lee 156)This implies that she is not confident with her response. While I know it can be scary to be up there in front of all these people, the victim could be changing her story depending on who is relevant at the time. Knowing that the victim may be influenced by her father this could have led to her being dramatic. She was being dramatic in a sense that she could persuade the Jury in that time of …show more content…

Tom Robinson is known as a hard worker and a generous man, but could that all be a trick so he may be able to do things like this without being caught? Little could anyone know that Tom Robinson is a manipulative person, and that is what I'm going to be proving.Tom is black so it makes it more likely he did it. Because he is black he knows more people who are more willing to do such things. So he could have asked his hood friends to back him up and tell him what he should do, as he does the killing. ( This is what someone back then would have said not me

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