Tom's Immaturity Quotes

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“Caring - about people, about things, about life - is an act of maturity” -Tracy McMillan. This is a perfect quote to describe Huck. In these last few chapters of the book Huck forms a great bond with Jim. He looks to him as a father figure because he never looked to his real dad as someone he could trust. This ultimately cause him to learn to support himself. Based on many studies depending on the environment in which the person is raised they would mature faster. Huck was raised very roughly and strict by Miss Watson and Widow Douglas. He was not able to “be a kid”. Tom on the other hand was surrounded by books and adventure so he is, in a sense, stuck in his own little world that everything is adventurous. Tom serves as a foil to Huck …show more content…

Ever since Tom gets involved he is been doing everything for the fun and adventure of it. He reads different things from different books and gets adventurous thoughts. Tom reads that in every prisoner story, when the prison scapes, they always have a coat of arms. In the novel they spend many pages explaining the coat of arms. One instance Huck and Jim are busy trying to get out and all Tom is doing is thinking of “the perfect coat of arms”. On page 273 it says, “ Jim was making his’n out of brass and I making mine out of spoon. Tom set to work to think out the coat of arms.” This furthermore shows that he can not do a task. This shows that he is not …show more content…

Huck suggest another idea of simply lifting up the bed and taking off the chain. Tom decides that it is too boring and needs more adventure. He says we can 't be walking around with the ten-foot chain. He says on page 254, “Well, some of the best authorities has done it. They can get the chain off, so they just cut their hand off, and shoved.” Tom thinks it is no big deal to cut off your hand, or in this case, your leg. Even if they were to cut it off, Jim would most likely die from bleeding out. The reason for that is because he is a slave and also they do not know where to cut. Huck defers Tom 's suggestion and decides to cut off the bed leg instead. Huck understands these things because he is mature. This causes Tom to be