Tonic Seizures Essay

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Seizure (Epilepsy) is a cluster of behaviors (altered consciousness, characteristic motor patterns) that occurs in response to abnormal neurochemical activity in the brain. The normal pattern of the neuronal activity becomes disturbed, causing unusual sensations, emotions, behavior, convulsions, muscle spasms, and loss of consciousness.
There are several types of seizures and can be caused by many different things or sometimes they just happen. One of the seizures is tonic/clonic seizures or grand mal seizures. This seizure affects the entire brain, it makes the body stiffen, followed by a phase of rapid muscle contractions (extreme shaking). The tonic phase of this is characterized by a stiffening of the body and the clonic phase is characterized by muscle contractions and relaxations. Some tonic/clonic seizures are preceded by a warning signal called an aura. An aura is a sensation experienced just before a seizure that the person is …show more content…

Absence seizures are seizures characterized by brief lapses of consciousness, usually lasting no more than ten seconds. Eye-blinking and twitching of the mouth may accompany these seizures. During this seizure, the brain ceases to function as it normally would. A person’s consciousness is altered in an almost imperceptible manner. This seizure could happen almost 100 times a day.
Some seizures may last as long as 20 minutes or less than 1 minute. A period of sleepiness and confusion usually follow a tonic/clonic seizure. A person might have drowsiness, nausea, a headache, or a combination of these symptoms. These symptoms should be treated with a rest, medication, or any other remedies. Here are the steps to help someone if they have a seizure. 1. Cushion the head. 2. Loosen their tight necktie or collar. 3. Turn on side. 4. Put nothing in their mouths. 5. Look for identification. 6. Don’t hold the person down. 7. Seizure ends. 8. Offer your