Seizure Essays

  • Generalized Seizures

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    Seizures occur due to an abnormal electrical charge in the brain. There are two different types of seizures: generalized and partial seizures. They are classified as two different groups because of where and how they begin. Generalized seizures begin with an electrical charge that affects both sides of the brain at one time. Partial seizures begin with one electrical impulse that only affects a small part of the brain. Unusually low blood sugar levels, brain injuries, strokes, brain tumors, cancer

  • A Summary Of Seizures

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    Seizures normally happen when the brain or the neurons gets electrocuted. It is indeed a major symptom that there is actually a serious problem in the brain. There is an abnormal electric activity in the brain that is why there are seizures, however, some people often think that seizures are actually convulsions, where in the body shakes uncontrollably and rapidly, but the truth is, seizures are actually not always caused by convulsions. TWO CATEGORIES THAT CLASSIFIES SEIZURES Seizures can be

  • Tonic Seizures Essay

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    Seizure (Epilepsy) is a cluster of behaviors (altered consciousness, characteristic motor patterns) that occurs in response to abnormal neurochemical activity in the brain. The normal pattern of the neuronal activity becomes disturbed, causing unusual sensations, emotions, behavior, convulsions, muscle spasms, and loss of consciousness. There are several types of seizures and can be caused by many different things or sometimes they just happen. One of the seizures is tonic/clonic seizures or grand

  • Jennifer Seizure Research Paper

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    We all love our children, but what if our child had a problem with seizures. My girlfriend has a little girl. I would say plagued; Pandy would say difficult to handle. Jennifer is a sweet little girl, and I love her to death. She has was born with a condition called hydrocephalus: a condition where there is a build-up of spinal fluid in the brain. Jennifer was born with many health issues, but her seizures have spiked my interests because I have watched her and my girlfriend 's twin boys, while their

  • Seizures In Education Essay

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    Seizures are becoming more common within classrooms. There are six different types of seizures that have their own effects on a person. Some seizures involve short periods of the student being unresponsive, and others are more intense and involve compulsion. The type of seizure that may occur one day is unknown to the person. Students with epilepsy or any other disability that causes seizures are unaware the seizure may occur, or when it will occur. Seizure related issues could impact a child’s

  • What To Do During A Seizure Essay

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    What To Do During A Seizure If you witness someone having a seizure, would you know what to do? A seizure or a convulsion can be terrifying, especially if you have never seen anyone having it before. It temporarily affects muscle control, speech, and awareness and may cause the whole body to shake violently. It may last for a few seconds to several minutes. Here are some tips on what to do during a seizure. Add one picture here. Part 1: What to Do During a Seizure Here are some things to remember

  • Non-Epileptic Seizure Case Study

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    Psychogenic non-epileptic seizure History: A 41 year old female was referred to have an EEG due to episodes of twitching of the neck, drooping of the right facial features and blurred vision. These episodes self-terminate in 15 minutes and she then feels weak in her legs. Her husband reports episodes of generalised tonic-clonic seizures with urinary incontinence. She is currently on no medication. The clinical indication for the test was migraine, syncope or epilepsy. EEG findings: The patient

  • Fourth Amendment: Fundamentals Of Search And Seizure

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    1. The Fourth Amendment protects the fundamental of search and seizure. Which in this case, discusses the importance of obtaining physical evidence and how it is used. In other words, the Fourth Amendment can be violated if the evidence gathered has been obtained unreasonably. The court argued that it is an individual right to keep information private and are protected regardless of the place they are in. In addition, they also mentioned if citizens have an “expectation of privacy” and society recognizes

  • Essay On Epilepsy

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    from the Greek and means "to be taken, seized or attacked" and refers to chronic seizures. Epilepsy, the term is used for recurrent seizures, is one of the most common neurological disorders of childhood. The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) define epilepsy as a disorder of the brain characterized by an enduring predisposition to generate epileptic seizures and by the biologic, cognitive, psychological, and social consequences of this condition

  • Essay On Epilepsy

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    as a seizure. Seizures can be caused by head trauma, lead poisoning, genetics, brain tumor, infectious illness and a brain that is maldeveloped. When a seizure occurs

  • Argumentative Essay On Epilepsy

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    Epilepsy is a disorder of the brain caused by reoccurring seizures, or brief disruptions in the brain’s normal electrical activity. Symptoms differ with each type and may include loss of consciousness, convulsive jerking, odd sensations, or confusion. A diagnosis of epilepsy requires that the seizures recur two or more times. In some cases, it can be brought on by injuries involving the brain, such as a stroke, cancer, head injury, alcohol abuse, or an infection. The majority of cases of epilepsy

  • Perampanel Case Studies

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    to seizures. A seizure is a burst of electrical activity that happens suddenly and is intense. This can happen in several parts of the brain. Epilepsy can be cause by strokes, Head traumas, brain tumours or simply down to the genes you inherit from your parents. For most people antiepileptic drugs (AED) are recommended. . A new drug called Perampanel has recently been released on the NHS (8th July 2015) following clinical trials showing the drug to effective in treating partial onset seizures. Perampanel

  • Simon Epilepsy In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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    A young girl shares he hallucinations that sound quite similar to this, “ I have had partial seizures for 11 years now…. These originated in the left temporal lobe. At 16, I thought I was going crazy because I could see another world and hear voices that told me that my reality isn't real.” (Epilepsy Foundation) After a seizure, bleeding of the nose, ears, or even eyes can occur, which would explain his bloody nose and passing out in chapter 9, “...when the

  • Epilepsy Rationale

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    Rationale: We think the key for improving the accuracy of seizure prediction is to incorporate data structures into the model. The data structures are two folds: 1) the epilepsy patient population structure associated with clinical categories such as pathologies, multi-foci and drug resistance; 2) the latent epilepsy state structure including interictal, preictal, ictal, postictal. We propose to identify the underlying data structure using hierarchical clustering methodologies based on SS or GKM

  • Spina Bifid Research Paper

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    after one seizure if there is a high risk of having another seizure.Seizures and epilepsy are not the same. Epilepsy is a disease, rather than a disorder “An epileptic seizure is a transient occurrence of signs and/or symptoms due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain” (ILAE). According to; Epilepsy is a central nervous system disorder/ neurological disorder in which nerve cell activity in the brain becomes disrupted, causing seizures or periods of

  • Informative Essay On Epilepsy

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    characterized by a tendency for recurrent seizures. There are different types of epilepsy and seizures.” Signs & Symptoms It’s hard to predict when a seizure will happen. Here are some of the symptoms: Confusion Jerking movements Some go unconscious Not aware of surroundings Diagnosis Epilepsy is hard to diagnose and can’t be done in once office visit it’s a process. You have to keep record of when you have the seizure, and what happens before, during and after a seizure. To figure out if you have epilepsy

  • Genetics Of Epilepsy Essay

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    unprovoked seizures occur. Many people with epilepsy have more than one type of seizure and may have other symptoms of neurological problems as well. The brain is the source of epilepsy because the events that produce the symptoms occur in the brain. According to the Epilepsy Foundation “A person is diagnosed with epilepsy if they have one or more seizures that were not caused by some known and reversible medical condition like alcohol withdrawal or extremely low blood sugar. The seizures in epilepsy

  • Essay On Epilepsy

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    causing a seizure”, and “about 1 in every 100 people in the United States will have an unprovoked seizure once in their life”. (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2013) Today it is acknowledged that epilepsy can develop after a brain injury or due to birth defects that can affect neurotransmitters among other nerve related chemicals. (National…, 2014) Symptoms include confusion, loss of consciousness, and uncontrollable jerking of arms and legs. Epilepsy is diagnosed after a person experiences more than one seizure and

  • Origin Of Epilepsy Essay

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    History of Epilepsy: The disease epilepsy has existed for thousands of years but only in the past hundred years or so has it begun to be understood. The only symptom of epilepsy is the epileptic seizure and anyone who has experienced or seen such a seizure knows this experience to be frightening and strange especially without the knowledge of modern science. The earliest mention of epilepsy begins with the Babylonians[1] . They believed it to be caused by the presence of demons that infected a particular

  • Neuropsychological Disorders Cause Brain Trauma

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    flow. A person with epilepsy will experience a seizure which may be generalised or partial. A partial seizure only occurs in one part of the brain. There are two types of partial seizures; Simple and complex. A simple partial seizure has symptoms which are primarily motor or sensory. A complex partial seizure is associated with simple, repetitive behaviour. A generalised seizure involves the whole brain. There are two types of generalised seizures. These are grand- mal and petit-mal. The grand-mal