
Too Much Power In The Count Of Cristo

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Can too much power really corrupt a person's position or even how they act? Many agree but many just think that they have too much power that they don't even have to care about how they treat others. In both novels they talk about how one he or she has grown in a high place and lost all of it due to abusing his or hers power. What is causing all of this is the power they both had is making them sad to see that they once ruled and now they are unknown.Villefort, public prosecutor is very close to becoming the King of France, and once he loses his position he falls in a demeaning part of life. In “Viva La Vida” and The Count of Cristo, the writer's’ use of Imagery and Metaphors reveals the idea that power can be taken too far and make one abuse …show more content…

(Dumas 40)King Louis XVIII lost his power due to the return of Napoleon (Emperor) who was in royalty for 100 days. King XVIII fled somewhere else, but returned later after Waterloo. The author uses imagery to visualize the actions that took place during the fall of Louis XVIII which makes people see how power can corrupt somebody in demeaning ways. The King was high in power but then lost it all; as if now everyone in France is obeying the new King which directly refers back to the topic.“He gave you health, strength, profitable work and friends; in short, everything a man needs to live with a clear conscience and satisfy his natural desires. But instead of enjoying these gifts of God, you abandoned yourself to laziness and drunkenness, and in your drunkenness you betrayed one of your best friends.” (Dumas 341) This quote gives a good visualization of what went on during Caderousse's death; he betrayed people that cared him for more money and power that he quietly already have. What makes Caderousse a greedy person is that he had been given a fortune already and used it for no good, not only killing his wife of have it for himself. Even after that Caderousse goes and steals from the count’s home. This refers back to the theme that to much power can corrupt a person in bad

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