Torture Tactics

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Imagine someone that has been stretched out on all four limbs of their body laying there

and could not move, because they were tied down. Then was chopped in half all because he or

even she stole one piece of bread? It might be hard to imagine because people now days if they

create a crime, they are not killed for it. There are simply fined for it or place in jail, and are not

beheaded or cut in half. Torturing people back in the medieval days was entertaining for them,

they enjoyed looking towards the next day where they can watch people die. The top four most

brutal torture tactics would probably be “the tub”, “The Guillotine”, and “impalement”, and the

rat torture. These four torture tactics, well two of the three are extremely …show more content…


imagine your hands and feet tied up behind your back and you can not move. That is really

annoying right there already. After they tie you up, they will throw you into a tub or like barrel

structure so that only your head was free, and you could not run away. When your head was

sticking out of the barrel, they would smear honey and stuff that insects and bugs really like onto

your face. That would be extremely annoying as well by itself too, especially if you can not even

use your hands to take it off. Then eventually in the heat of the day, bugs will start coming and

swarming your face and they are practically eating your face alive. So sitting in a tub with ur

hands and feet tied, and ur head is the only thing that can move with honey and all kinds of

sticky stuff covering it. Then bugs are pretty much eating your face off. It just goes to show on

how lucky you are to live in this world today and not back then. (David Pegg)

“The Guillotine”, This torture tactic was probably the most brutal ways to die. Well

that’s if you even count this as torture. This tactic was pretty much a ginormous axe that …show more content…


about it like this though, when the person is summoned to death, it is torture having the thought

in your head that I am going to be dying tomorrow or going to be dying in an hour. With this

torture tactic there is no escaping it, there is no “I might live through this” because, if your head

gets chopped off, there is a pretty good chance that you will not live to see the next day. They

did not always chop off your head though, sometimes it might just be your arm or leg, and or

even fingers. That’s where this tactic would be torture, cauase living the rest of your life without

your leg or fingers, or whatever it is would be torture. (David Pegg)

The next torture tactic would have to be the torture tactic called “Impalement”. This

torture tactic is most likely the most hard to watch and disgusting torture tactic that there is. In

this tactic, you get a ginormous spear that get shoved through your entire body. Just imagine

how much pain that would be. People usually get hurt just by getting pricked with a clothespin.

But not in this case, imagine a giant clothespin going through your whole body. It depends