
Totalitarianism In 1984

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A Totalitarian government has to be the worst type of government there is. Being controlled all the time, doing what someone with more “power” tells you what you have to do to or telling you what you can not do. It is horrible. Surveillance in every place you can imagine, Big Brother watching your every move. Living a life with no privacy. 1984 by George Orwell tells it all, who is big brother and why he watches you, does the party do all of this for fun or out of love.
The city of Oceania was a terrifying place to live in. Controlled, surveillance everywhere. The “Party” brainwashing the people to think what they wanted. The “Future” was hell. Orwell states “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” (Orwell, pg. 267) The authors means the future was …show more content…

Such as telescreens, drones and cameras. There was not any moment you were not being watched or listened to. “Thanks to the explosion of GPS technology … these devices are are also taking note of what we buy, where and when we buy it, how much money we have in the bank, whom we text and email.” (Maass and Rajagopalan, 2012). The author is addressing the issue surveillance everywhere and some people knowing where we are at all times and what we are doing etc. In Oceania there was no way to avoid being tracked. Even if you thought you were sneaky or had a secret hiding place you did not, Winston thought he was able to hide his diary and his “secret” room and romance. Maass and Rajagopalan claim there are some ways that you might be able to avoid being stalked. “Leaving your smartphone at home will help...Turning it off when you are not using it will also help because it will cease pinging your location to cell company… Shutting it down does not even guarantee it is off”. (Maass and Rajagopalan, 2012). The authors are making it clear that there are some ways to try to avoid surveillance but you can not avoid it

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