
George Orwell's Dystopian Society Is Still Relevant Today

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Set in a dystopian London, George Orwell’s seminal work 1984 warns against the dangers of a communist and totalitarian regime. Orwell described a world where everything from your thoughts of the past, present and future, to your job was controlled by the government known as “Big Brother.” Although the novel was written in a time where such ideologies were feared many of the premises presented are relevant in today’s society. Orwell’s dystopian society is alive and well in modern times with computers in nearly every home and surveillance cameras everywhere you turn. Our modern society has arrived at a state of existence resembling what Orwell describes and the similarities in today’s society are relevant. In 1984 there are telescreens that act as cameras and …show more content…

The people cannot go anywhere without being seen and are so thoroughly monitored that they can’t even have thoughts against the government. Everything people do or say is watched closely. While in modern times people are still allowed to think and say what they want, they are still watched every time they go. There are cameras in nearly every building you go into and there is even some watching the streets. It’s nearly impossible to go somewhere without being caught on camera multiple times. In homes there are cameras in phones and computers. Some televisions now have cameras in them as well as video game systems. Phones also have G.P.S. in them that allow someone to be tracked wherever they go if someone had the need. Some countries, such as China, have cameras set up by the government (Langfitt). They’re throughout streets

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