Touching Spirit Bear Essay

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The novel Touching Spirit Bear is a realistic fiction of a remarkable journey by a young boy Cole Mathews. Cole has always struggled with his anger and one day after he robs a hardware store. A boy named Peter Driscal snitches on Cole. Cole beats Peter for turning him in and seriously wounds Peter. Cole is sent to a system called circle justice. The circle decides to isolate him on a remote island to help him change. When on the island Cole is mauled by a spirit bear. After months of rehabilitation, he is sent back to the Island. After a long time of hard labor, he finally sees that he needs to let go of his anger. The one character that I think made the biggest difference to Cole was Garvey. Garvey had a major effect on Cole's life. He was always there for Cole through the hard times of being in the detention center. One choice Garvey made was to recommend circle justice to Cole. Another Choice that Garvey chose to make at the end of the book was to help Cole with gathering firewood. Even after pushing Cole to do his best, he sees that Cole has truly changed for the better. The small act of helping Cole shows that Garvey trusts Cole. …show more content…

This choice that Garvey made shows his dedication to wanting Cole to change. Garvey's choice to suggest Circle Justice to Cole is a major point in the story. Circle Justice is a program that tries to help people rehabilitate instead of being punished. In the novel, Garvey tells Cole. “Circle justice tries to heal not punish,” “it’s a new trial program. Other towns and cities are using it too.” P. 11. The quote and choice Garvey makes display that he truly wants Cole to change. He wants to help Cole overcome his anger, and help him through his life. Garvey was wise to suggest this to cole. Even when Cole thinks it’s a cheap way out of jail Garvey knows that circle justice could help