Toyota Corolla Case Study

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Toyota Corolla Interior Door Handle The Toyota Corolla interior door handle is a plastic piece that won't last as long as the rest of the car. In this article will cover how to replace the part. We'll also discuss why you should consider purchasing a set of four handles instead of the single part for the driver side door. As some visitors might remember I recommended the Toyota Corolla as an [[excellent choice for first car]]. This Toyota has a metal timing chain and an excellent service record. I've actually seen these cars with more than 300,000 miles on the original engine and transmission. However, the cheap interior parts like that shifter handle button and the Toyota Corolla interior door handle certainly won't make it that far. Since the 1999 through 2002 Toyota Corolla is one of the best-selling compact cars of all …show more content…

I have a customer with a 2002 Toyota Corolla. When the driver side door handle broke they said just get the one because I plan on replacing this car within a year. Two years later they came back to get the passenger side handle replaced. Again, the customer said, just get me the one handle because I'm going to get a new car. Another two years goes by and they come back for a second driver side door handle. Of course I said, "Let me guess you only want me to get one replacement interior door handle because you're getting a new car". The Corolla owner said, "Yes, just get the one handle, because it's time to finally get rid of the car". At this point, we have spent about $30 on the three replacement handles including shipping and tax. We could've got a set of four for $10. Update: the customer still driving this Toyota Corolla. The car is about to turn 17 years old. The lesson to learn here is that despite the intentions of upgrading our automobiles we often find it necessary to stay behind the wheel longer than we have originally