Tracking Physician Performance Essay

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Although some physicians hesitated at the idea of physician getting report cards, I believe that tracking physician performance is a good idea. Data shows that hospitals using this type of evaluation tracking system are seeing better patient outcomes with less readmissions, complications and mortality directly related to better standard of patient care that the doctors are delivering. Physicians that are not measure up to standards are given the opportunities to improve through continuation courses or better acceptance of the hospital’s risk assessment procedures. MemorialCare is a measurement program that hospitals everywhere in the United States are using to alter the way physicians practice by scrutinizing their development toward goals, but no every physician …show more content…

The consequence of using this type of program is that doctors are going to work in hospitals that are under pressure to perform better and cut their cost. The insurance industry is also tracking their best performers for obvious reasons, to reduce liabilities and keep more money in their banks (Matthews, 2013). The federal health law is accelerating hospitals measurements tendencies; the government is using the data to apply payments and penalties to the Medicare program to connected their results on quality measurements specially re-hospitalizations, which is one of the most expensive areas (Matthews, 2013). To make their hospitals more profitable and less incline to pay for damages, hospitals are hiring doctors using the data provided by the MemorialCare program. As a result some hospitals such as Monmouth Medical Center in New Jersey trimmed some unnecessary which reduce their cost and at the same time improve their performances (Matthews,