Transcendental Argument For The Existence Of God In Schools

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agnostics, they follow these same commandments. If they kill they are held accountable and

must be judged. These laws mandated by God are key to the laws of our society today and

throughout the world’s history and many societies.

Research has shown that the “none” (including atheists, agnostics, and deists) is the fasting

growing religious minority in the United States. With the increasing number of atheists in our

society especially amongst the teenage population, could it be due to the removal of all religious

expression in schools? Are they being taught a godless philosophy in school and outside of

home by peers, textbooks and teachers. Not all teachers but some say he doesn’t exist, among the

teachers are authors, editors, and publishers. …show more content…

The laws of logic are bound in their own existence to the biblical God. We are required to

reason these laws rationally to prove things. So, stating that the Biblical God must exist in

directive in order for reasoning to be at all possible. In understanding that without God’s

existence in meaning without him the Biblical God we couldn’t prove anything at all. The

prerequisite for knowledge and rational thinking is the existence of God.

The so called Transcendental argument which is an argument which states that x is a necessary

condition for y to be present so based on this philosophy, there is a God and if there was not a

God, we would not be here and if there was not a God we couldn’t figure out anything at all.

Why because there is nothing greater than God himself. Anything created had to come from

someone or something greater than the person him or herself that was created by, a designer.

Example like a child building something from Legos. Without the child building the Lego

building there would not be a building, (a designer). A biblical example that appears to support

this philosophy is in the Bible in the book of Romans, Chapter 1: 19-21; “Because that