Paul D's Transformation In Denver

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The first turning point in Denver’s transformation is the day spent at the carnival, where Denver unexpectedly has a wonderful time and where people greet her cordially rather than with contempt. At the beginning of the carnival, Denver “was not doing anything to make this trip a pleasure” (56). Her pessimistic attitude caused by Paul D’s arrival and by being forced to leave the house illustrate Denver’s continued resistance to outside interactions. Yet, her negative attitude slowly diminishes as the people who greeted her “pleased her enough to consider that Paul D wasn’t all that bad” (58). Paul D’s presence already makes a positive impact on Denver, and though Denver initially distrusted Paul D’s motives, she begins to see him for his true …show more content…

At the end of the novel, she finally takes care of Sethe rather than fully relying on her for physical nurturing and inner happiness. Denver ultimately matures enough to stop relying on her mother for total emotional support, to care for someone besides herself, and to “have [her] own [opinion]” (314). Though she lost her physical strength and size due to starvation, she gained mental clarity and emotional growth through accepting that she needs the presence of others to help her. The threat of losing her only companion proves more important than her irrational fear of the outside world; in procuring her own opportunities, she gains a newfound sense of confidence that allows her to stop relying on Sethe for happiness. Morrison inexplicitly provides Denver’s transformation as a symbol of ongoing hope for previous and current slaves. Morrison poetically expresses that if Denver can endure this many struggles and still overcome them gracefully, ex-slaves can come to terms with their past with a positive mentality that allows them to obtain their own contentment and