Transtheoretical Model: A Case Study

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Take back the night was on Thursday, October 22, 2015 at Western Illinois University, WIU, located outside the building of Sherman Hall. Most people know that October is Cancer Awareness month; some people don’t know that it is Domestic Violence Awareness also. Take back the night was directed to end the violence. The school has this event every year in October to support domestic violence survives. I thought this event was a great example of the Transtheoretical Model also known as the Stages of Change Model. Before the event begun the school had different display tables set up. It was different resources and services for the students and the community to look at and also ask questions, if they did have any questions that needed to be answered. When the event begun, they had different survives that performed. Jess Hale, one of the girls that had experienced domestic violence in her past. She wrote her thoughts down and shared it with the audience. She used Self-Reevaluation, realizing that the behavior change is an important part of one’s ability as a person. She was upset that she had experienced this as a little girl. She wondered what she would be like if she had a chance to grow up as a normal girl, if this did not happen to her. In the beginning she was not …show more content…

Reading those proclamation helped the audience to understand and learn new facts about domestic violence, if they did not know. Some facts that I could remember was 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence regardless of their race, so domestic violence can happen to anyone. They also stated that violence does not only happen to women, but also men. Domestic violence also cause mental problems in a person that experienced domestic violence. Rapists can be relatives, neighbors, friends, acquaintances of the