Transtheoretical Model Of Change

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The article about the Transtheoretical Model of Change was educational and provided useful information. Information discussing the stages of change I was unaware of which takes place during an individual’s proposed behavior change. Therefore, I found it helpful the article named these different stages and explained the actions an individual demonstrates through each phase. Also, as well as suggesting different techniques in order to help individuals progress through these stages of change. Precontemplation, not yet acknowledging there is a problem behavior that needs to be changed, was one of the stages in the article I see most in many individuals. This is because individuals can become resistant when others suggest they change their habits. …show more content…

In order to encourage my uncle to reduce or eliminate his alcohol consumption the article has taught me to encourage self-exploration, not action. Instead of my family constantly telling him to change, it might be more beneficial for us to encourage him to self-explore and analyze the lifestyle he has developed. Approaching him with this mindset may be more beneficial due to the fact that he frequently shares how he is tired of being jobless, having little money to spend, and feeling less like a man. Self-exploration may be the appropriate way to help him move into the next phase of change, known as Contemplation. Self-exploration, along with re-evaluating current behavior, will reveal that his financial status does not improve due to alcohol consumption. Using this same approach in my field setting and with clients in the future will help in developing professional boundaries and disclosing my own personal values. Simply because this technique will help the client to understand on their own why change is necessary instead of telling them why to change. In other words, clients will be more determined to change when they are able to see themselves as having a …show more content…

This was helpful because with me planning to use this in order to determine where a client stands in the processes of change, it was beneficial that the article explained what to expect in each stage and made suggestions in order for the client to experience each stage to its full potential. An example being the Self-Reevaluation stage, which suggested value clarification, healthy role models, and imagery are techniques that can move people evaluatively. Therefore, exposing the clients to others who have succeeded in overcoming substance abuse and has developed a better life in doing so may encourage them to change their habits rather than having to verbally recommend why changing their habits is necessary. Overall this was an article that supplied great information and will not only be a reference I use in intervention, but will also be something I use in my personal