Trauma In Youth Sports Essay

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Trauma Caused In Organized Youth Sports There are around 21.5 million young adolescents between the ages of six to seventeen who play in organized youth sports (Kelley and Carchia 34). Numerous children participate in sports with the help of external forces, for example: parents, coaches, peers, and more. External forces can impact children’s health in a positive or negative way (Hyman 119). In a favorable aspect, receiving help can be a wonderful gift in which it can help a child succeed in their sport while having fun. On the other hand, it can also deter a minor away from sports when mental or physical harm is involved. As a result, this is an important issue to examine because according to Sabo and the Women’s Sports Foundation, nearly forty-five percent of youths quit sports …show more content…

Achievement goal describes how athletes will participate for accomplishment purposes and to show-off their abilities. Self-determination talks about how young players’ confidence is linked to how they see their goals and motivation (Rottensteiner, Tolvanen, Laakso and Konttinen 1). The combination of these two theories explains that if a player is confident then they will perform well and do their best in the sport. Participation can fulfill the mental well-being of an adolescent athlete by the engagement and motivation of external factors such as peers and coaches (Rottensteiner, Tolvanen, Laakso and Konttinen 1). Youth sports can also accomplish the physical health of a young athlete. Sports can help children live out a healthy, active lifestyle and maybe extend their life expectancies. Being more physically active can help a child be more effective in sports and easily excel faster in their designated sport. To summarize, organized youth sports may be favorable towards a youth’s mental and physical health, but there are more drawbacks than