Traveling Nursing Research Paper

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In 1978 many nurses were brought to a hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana due to a mass of patients that got injured, sick etc. at Mardi Gras. A couple years after Mardi Gras many shortages in hospitals around the country soon became another nurse’s work for a short time. Thus, leading into the positions which we now know today as traveling nursing ("The History of Travel Nursing.") A traveling nurse has normal responsibility, but there is a bit more to their job than a regular nurse.
All nurses need to know about the human body and how it works. A big part of the human body is the bones. In the human body there are 206 bones which make up anything and everything for the most part. The bones are very interesting, by the age of 18 bones stop …show more content…

In Florida there are a lot of elderly people, due to the fact that northern states just get too cold to handle. This increases the amount of elderly people around and in hospitals, doctor's offices, and walk in clinics greatly. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Skin diseases, bacterial pneumonia, elderly influenza, and gastrointestinal infection all have something in common. They all are common diseases of elderly people. Although urinary tract infections can happen in anyone, older people are more prone to them due to the use of catheters and diabetes. Skin infections such as shingles, pressure ulcers, bacterial foot infections, and cellulitis are more in the older society because their skin cannot heal as quickly as younger persons. Bacterial pneumonia has a greater chance of attaching onto an elder because of changes in lung capacity, increased exposure to diseased communities, and many more. In a nursing home the environment is a closed spaced which is easy to transmit someone influenza because in just a sneeze or cough anyone could get the disease. Although, the elderly are more likely to catch influenza due to the conditions they already have weakening their immune system more than ever. While in long term care many elderly could catch either Helicobacter pylori or Clostridium which are the two diseases from gastrointestinal disease. They are both treatable one in which is multiple antibiotics, and the other by halting the antibiotic use (Stevenson.) Not only do elderly have specified disease but so do adults. Adults have quite a bit stacked against them to. Cancer, Heart disease, obesity, arthritis, and diabetes are all common diseases adults these days have to face. With a near 48% death rate cancer and heart disease are accountable for that. Obesity is another common disease that people have to fight for with over a third of our adults being overweight is a really big

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