Essay On Nursing Home Abuse

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Nursing Home Abuse and Substance Abuse

When you hear about nursing home abuse, you may think about an elderly patient being physically abused or neglected. While physical abuse and neglect are common in nursing homes, they are not the only forms of abuse. Nursing home abuse includes many forms of physical, emotional, and financial abuse. Furthermore, some nursing home patients are not elderly. A story reported by The Boston Globe early this month is an example of how nursing home abuse can take many forms.

Substance Abuse in Massachusetts Nursing Homes

A 43-year old man entered Braemoor Health Center last summer to learn how to walk again following the amputation of his lower leg due to massive infections. He was a recovering heroin addict. He …show more content…

Unfortunately, this action by the state is too late for the man who died after being discharged from Braemoor. According to his family, they questioned the use of narcotics and asked for assistance when he was discharged. They were told to simply go to the emergency room.

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

The decision to place a loved one in a nursing home is one of the most difficult decisions a family can face. The fear of nursing home abuse is real. One report revealed elderly abuse in one out of every three nursing homes. It is estimated that one in ten Americans over the age of 60 years has been the victim of some type of elder abuse. Because the risk of nursing home abuse is so great, it is important for families to know the signs of nursing home abuse.

Some of the signs of abuse you want to look for when visiting your loved one are:

• Dehydration
• Sudden and unexplained weight loss
• Bed sores
• Fractures and broken bones
• Fear of staff
• Mood

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