Mickey Rooney's Abuse In The Medical Field

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The horrific elder abuse endured by former child actor Mickey Rooney highlights the importance of protecting vulnerable populations from abuse, especially in healthcare. Healthcare providers should understand and protect the rights of their patients, as well as be trained to recognize signs of abuse. Rooney’s story of struggle after life as a child star also highlights the need for proper mental health treatment—accessible to those in financially, verbally, and physically abusive relationships. Mickey Rooney’s corrupted caregiver being his wife, Jan Rooney, raises concerns about how patients in situations of domestic abuse are able to receive proper care. I would imagine that domestic senior abuse may be difficult for a medical professional …show more content…

People nearing the end of their lives deserve respect shown to them through the extra support they require as they age. Nursing homes and medical professionals offer to provide this support, but sometimes both the organizations and individuals can act poorly to neglect their patients. Medical professionals cannot ethically choose to grant high-quality care care to only some patients, neglecting others on the basis of age. Any bias in medical treatment can actually produce life-or-death results. According to a study mentioned by Washington prosecutor Page Ulrey, “victims of abuse, neglect and exploitation are three times more likely to die a premature death” and, from her own experience, she finds that “victims are so demoralized and devastated by financial exploitation that they often deteriorate, and many victims are dead before [they] get to trial” (Pogzar 351). These horrible cases should indicate that elderly abuse is a devastating burden on the healthcare system, which should be focused at providing high quality care to each member of society, though especially to vulnerable populations like the