Treaty Of Versailles Fair Research Paper

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I believe that the Treaty of Versailles was fair. The Treaty of Versailles was between Germany and the allied powers. This treaty was based off of one of Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points, the League of Nations. The goal of this treaty was to keep peace among all the nations. This treaty also punished Germany. In the war, Germany caused many problems and turned on many countries. For example, breaking the Sussex Pledge. I believe Germany deserved these punishments because of all the promises they broke and promises they caused. However, Germany did like this treaty since it blamed them for all the problems in the war. Article 231 was the “war guilt” cause, this is what placed all the responsibility on to Germany’s shoulders. Germany had to pay …show more content…

Mandates are pieces of land that get administrated by the League of Nations. Under the peace agreement, allies would be able to controls these mandates until they got voted for their own independence. I believe the Treaties of Versailles were fair. Germany did cause a major effect in this war. There actions lead the United States to join the war, and the war last longer. The Treaty of Versailles almost gave Germany another chance to regroup and gain strength back. At the time Germany’s people were very upset, this is what gave Adolph Hitler a lot of supporters. His propaganda was hateful, but the Germans looked for a way to find hope. Along with the Treaty of Versailles, it was just one of five treaties. In 1919 the peace treaties were signed. The treaties didn't just effect Germany, but all of the Central Powers. They lost big chunks of land and recognized as independent nations. The treaties helped Europe gain strength back, but of course it comes with a cost. Empires were shut done. For example, the
Ottoman Turks were forced to give up their empire, and their territory turned into now a day