True Colors By Don Lowry

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As a human being, I was born into the world with a multitude of congenital traits that continue to affect me in nearly all aspects of my life. These inborn traits will either mesh with the preconceived notions of those around us, or clash with them completely. However, with that said, not all the traits that one possesses are bestowed upon them at birth, as one’s environment itself will certainly end up modifying and reshaping the traits that they exhibit to some variable degree. In 1978, Don Lowry developed a system known as True Colors with the intent of categorizing one’s core personality type by the traits that they possess. In this paper, I will examine the traits that I personally possess, and juxtapose them against the overarching expectations …show more content…

In general, I would say that the results of the quiz are reasonably accurate. Throughout most of my life I would say that I have been a staunch skeptic. I tend to analyze claims with great rigor, and in a broad sense, I do not accept claims until they have met their burden-of-proof. These are all traits that seem to coincide with the True Colors definition of a personality type that is dominantly green, and only scarcely blue. One very notable example of how my personality type clashes with my culture is through the prevalence of supernatural beliefs in our society. Nearly every single person that I have ever personally interacted with has held onto some form of unsubstantiated belief, such as a belief in karma, general theism, or psychic abilities. I contend the notion that beliefs are a choice, and due to the lack of evidence for these claims, I cannot reasonably accept any of them until they have met their burden of proof. However, due to the prevalence of such beliefs, and the distinct cultural importance that they carry, I oft-times experience some manner of social disdain from my peers. Nevertheless, the experience gained through said environment has certainly aided in molding my personality traits into the form that they take