Significance Of Lysander In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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In Shakespeare 's’ A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Helena, Hermia, Demetrius and Lysander go through quite a lot of trouble before they emerge from the woods with their problems all but resolved. While Helena, Hermia, and Demetrius all remark that they remember the events of their night in the woods, even if they do think it a dream. Yet, Lysander never implies that he knows what his other three companions are talking about. Robin Goodfellow also implies that the herb he places in Lysander’s eye will cause him to forget everything that happened while he had the juice in his eye. When Robin Goodfellow put the herb that reversed the love juice’s properties in Lysander’s eye, it had the side effect of causing Lysander to forget everything that happened the night before.
Robin Goodfellow knew that the herb would make Lysander forget the events of the night and made a remark eluding to that knowledge right after curing Lysander of his love of Helena.
When thou wak’st Thou tak’st True delight In the sight Of thy former lady’s eye (3.2.453-457). …show more content…

He not only told Hermia that he hated her and loved Helena, but he also ridiculed her in front of Demetrius and Helena. “Get you gone, you dwarf, / You minimus of hind’ring knot-grass made, / You bead, you acorn” (3.2.327-329). Even if he thought of the night as a dream like the rest of the lovers, knowing that he and Hermia both dreamed that he said those things would make him feel something less than “true delight.” He never expresses guilt for betraying the woman he loved because he does not remember doing