
Truman Show Techniques

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The popular television cartoon Phineas and Ferb, is based around two brother who adventure in everything, due to their abundance of curiosity. Just like the fictional brothers, curiosity proves to be the motivation for many real life situations. In The Truman Show, directed by Peter Weir, Truman grows up in a seemingly normal life until his curiosity leads him to discover that his life is being showcased constantly on live TV. Weir uses a mix of film elements to create a common theme throughout the movie. Achieved by Weirs filmography, he effectively communicates that curiosity debunks all falsifications. Right at the beginning of the movie, Weir includes background music to intrigue the audience. As soon as Truman is seen, stereotypical, …show more content…

For example, one of the most determining scenes takes place outside at night. In this scenario Truman and Marlon are talking about life while sitting by the beach with the moon illuminating them. Truman tells Marlon about his recent inquisitions while Marlon reassures him of the legitimacy of his life. The fact that this communication takes place at night is purposefully done. Weir chooses to have this exchange occur in a dark setting to symbolize being ignorant. When one is ignorant they can be considered in the dark on certain topics. Having this communication take place in poor lighting after much of the movie having happened in periods of good lighting symbolizes Truman's curiosity about his life being pushed aside into the dark. Weir chooses not only to have a scripted verbal representation of this but also a visual representation to reinstate his claims. In direct opposition to this, at the end of the movie, Truman discovers the truth in full lighting. This choice was to show Truman being enlightened by reality. With light commonly being conveyed as good and dark as bad once Truman comes out of the storm his curiosity finally conceives the truth not only in figurative thought but also visually by the sun coming out. The use of light and dark features helps Weir to broadcast the efforts of curiosity in revealing false

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