Trump Pros And Cons

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THE TRUMP TRAIN- A BRIEF EXPLANATION This American democracy, a long, drawn out process not without its flaws, is one of the central pieces of government that the wildly popular and controversial candidate, Donald Trump, is attacking in his campaign. When he says his campaign is "entirely self-funded," he is not only bragging about his popularity and independence, but also is taking a subtle jab at the current system in which some candidates get billions of dollars(Super PACs anyone?), and thus exploit the system by drowning it in money. In reality, this really happens, and a billion dollars can really give that certain candidate an edge over his competitors. Since that billion dollars most commonly comes from the top 1%, not the common people, …show more content…

Incomes are down for them, and the lands they used to farm are farmed by foreign migrants. In the eyes of these people, America is on the decline, prospects are worse for the common man, and the people responsible for the decline are no other than the Democrats bringing illegal immigrants into America 's arms. The Trump supporter sees a world in which the very spirit of America is fading away, replaced by a centralized government that cares for …show more content…

The candidate we are talking about here is no other than Donald Trump. Trump committed all these acts, and his lack of regret for doing them only prolongs the infamous nature of these remarks. Clearly, a man who dares to make any comment, anytime he wants, in the world 's spotlight, is the world 's biggest narcissist. But Trump isn 't just creating a narcissistic alter ego out of nowhere, for he is in fact just allowing the true nature of his character to shine fully. In a 1997 profile of Donald Trump, the author remarked how "Everywhere inside the Trump Organization headquarters, the walls were lined with framed magazine covers, each a shot of Trump or someone who looked an awful lot like him." The equating of himself to the epitomization of greatness is even shown more clearly in Trump 's "patented palaver" which is "a gaseous blather of 'fantastic 's and 'amazing ' s and 'terrific ' s and 'incredible 's"and his heavy use of superlatives. In his eyes, "super luxury" and "super super luxury" are distinct, and the pride he exhibits with expensive things he owns("And who owns more of Fifth Avenue than I do?") demonstrates that he 's the ultimate "bragster." Of course, no profile of Trump can be completed without the obligatory statement that Trump is the classic brilliant salesman who runs on three statements:"fly the flag, never budge from the premise that the universe revolves around you, and, above all, stay in character." This 1997 profile perfectly