Tru's Hegemonic Masculinity

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Tru is the perfect idea of a women who is both feminine and masculine because has the perfect feminine face and image with a slightly hegemonic masculinity attitude yet feminine characteristics. She completely break the expectations of lesbians as masculine. In the film she is a lesbian in a relationship with a young beautiful woman named Claire, she breaks up with Tru at the beginning of the film because she feel Tru has more growing to do and more importantly she only cares about herself. Society often shows men to be the partner in a heterosexual relationship to have the commitment issues. This would be an example of Tru’s hegemonic masculinity attitude. I believe that this scene create a relationship between the heterosexual men and those …show more content…

Suzanne has a more hegemonic masculinity image and attitude. She lives in the city and is always busy with her long work shifts. Suzanne is a business woman who is usually in a suit and too busy to cook or have a healthy relationship. Suzanne also has internalized wounds due to the passing of her father and the complicated relationship with her mother. Often men in the white collar industry tend to have similar forms masculinities; being the dominant one in their home, being too busy with their schedules that effect their personal life and orders lots of take-out foods. Suzanne’s mother comes into town, and because she works long hours she asks Tru to pick up her mother and watch her while she works. As Tru starts to bond with Alice, Suzanne begins to realize that her mother is “in like” with Tru and starts to get jealous and become very controlling. Jealousy is often a term society to use describe a feminine women. Instead of her noticing the genuine new happiness her mother found, she decided to try and ruin Tru’s and Alice’s relationship. I decided to research more about jealousy within feminism and found an article called “Woman- to- woman jealousy” by Fit and Feminist. They quoted Jay- Z lyrics stating, “Males shouldn’t be jealous, that’s a female