Hegemonic Masculinity Study

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The two concepts that fit best to explain the problem in this study are Hegemonic Masculinity and Behavioral Mimicry. Hegemonic Masculinity delineates the “real men” value in a patriarchal culture, dictated through masculine gender roles such as strength, aggresion, or dominance. Masculinity then becomes a preferable identity inside rock subculture, a nod to the hierarchial concept of identity as explained by Adams and Dickey (2000). This identity hierarchy results in women’s inferior position that further acts as a motivation for women to adhere to masculinity as their ideal role. Further, Behavioral Mimicry concept delineates the process to adapt to masculinity.
A. Hegemonic Masculinity
Hegemony is an umbrella concept regarding domination …show more content…

Schippers also describes “gender roles in popular rock culture” as a reproduction of dominant ideas regarding gender and sexuality based on its general perception that hierarchically benefits men. In rock subculture, gender binary—masculinity and femininity—is emphasised through the relationship between rock stars and groupies, where groupies only function to complement the musicians. Adding this fact to the negative stereotype labeled on groupies as explained above, women actively refuse to be associated with said stereotype by maneuvering their gender. This gender maneuver demonstrates that even women help perpetuate hegemonic masculinity by adopting masculine values inside rock …show more content…

In his study about post-colonial India, Bhabha (1997) discovers that one tends to be non-conforming to one’s racial stereotypes. This elucidates the relationship between mimicry and power structure, where mimicry carries out the function of effective power strategy and colonialisation. Later, he concludes that The Others’ adaptation even affirms the already existing power structure. Naipaul in Godiwala (2007) also comes to a conclusion that the adoption of dominant identity proves that the oppressed groups do not fight back against their oppression by affirming the superiority of dominant

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