Tuesdays With Morrie: How To Build An Authentic Life

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How do you build an authentic life?Some people ask and some people don't know how to answer that question I got asked how do you build and live an authentic life? And I build an authentic life by being myself and embracing my uniqueness like Morrie from “Tuesdays with Morrie" taught a Sociology class, sociology means “the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society.” Morrie like solving problems and that made him unique, in the book it said Morrie loved to dance no matter what song no matter what beat he would dance to his own rhythm Morrie had this great outlook on life even if he’s having a bad day he tries to look at the upside of things Morrie thought everything in life happens for a reason Morrie had a unique way of teaching in the book “Tuesdays with Morrie” He comes in and they sit quietly for fifteen minutes and Morrie doesn't say anything and they start having a discussion about if they are comfortable with silence Morrie believed in self forgiveness Morrie was a happy man the simplest things made him happy,music,waking up in the morning, going to work these things made him happy Morrie believed that if you forgave yourself you will be a happier …show more content…

In the movie “Happy” the cart pusher Barely makes any money, but he loves his job and his kids he said “every day I come home my kids wait right here for me and it fills me with joy I may not make a lot of money but their happiness is worth it, it makes me happy to see them” he may not make a lot of money but at least he’s happy you can be happy with anything.people think you need money to go have fun or to go do anything in the movie “Happy” he plays with his children he said that makes him happy to play with his kids he said he doesn't need technology or anything like that all he needs is his kids and his hut and he’ll be happy, happiness can be brought to you by any thing happiness is in all shapes and forms him and his kids were happy with what little they have it makes them