Turtle Wexler Character Analysis

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Turtle’s Best Traits Turtle Wexler, the only winner of Sam Westing’s game is also the most successful of all of the heirs because of her identifying qualities. Turtle is the most one of the smartest heir’s and the only person to ever beat Sam Westing at a chess game, and one of the most committed to playing Sam Westing’s game. She ends up winning the 200 million dollar estate. She is one of the main characters and has many identifying qualities: her qualities of determination, cunning, and the ability to trick people, along with her habit of kicking people in the shins when they do something she doesn’t like. Turtle is very good at tricking people an example is when she takes the blame for the bombings so Angela won't have to, losing her important braid in the process. Turtle is a good sister, and she tries to be a good daughter but her mother seems to prefer her sister over her no matter what she does. Her mother may treat her like the lesser child that has only made Turtle strong where Angela's weak and confident in ways the other women in her family are not. Turtle also makes every one of the heir’s believe that the game was not won by anyone so that they would stop playing and she could win the game. Convinces …show more content…

Five years after the game is over, she wins a game of chess against the Master “Sam Westing”. It's her second win against him. Remember, other characters like Theo and Judge Ford also played chess with Sam Westing, but neither of them ever won. While a game of chess might not have as big a prize as the Westing game did, in a way, for Turtle, the stakes are just as high: it's a test of strategy against "the master" and one that only she, it seems, can pass. At the end of the book, we see her become the kind of mentor to others that Sam Westing was to her, as we see her go to play chess with another intelligent, not necessarily attractive little girl like Sam Westing and her, named