Tybalt Is Responsible For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

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As tragedy strikes in Verona, who is really responsible for the death of the young lover? Shakespeare suggests that Tybalt plays an important role in causing the tragic events in Romeo and Juliet. Due to his hot-headedness and aggressive behavior, he contributes to the death of these lovers. Romeo and Juliet's deaths are the result of Tybalt's aggressive behavior towards the Montague, the killing of Mercutio in an altercation, and the banishing of Romeo from Verona. Tybalt was the factor in Romeo and Juliet's death as he always had aggressive behavior toward the Montagues no matter what. Tybalt hated the Montagues and had no respect or remorse for them, such as he said, “What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee” (1, 1, 56-57). This shows the animosity he had towards them. This then leads to the house party the Capulets host and Tybalt saw the Montagues gate-crashing the party. Tybalt had vowed to kill them as it is not sinful for him to do so as it was to defend his capulet family and wrote a special letter to them to keep his promise. Without a doubt, Tybalt is not keeping his cool and is still hot-headed with all the hostile acts that he can’t seem to control. …show more content…

This is when Tybalt had challenged Romeo to a duel which Romeo openly declines and decides to step back, but Mercutio comes in for Romeo’s honor and is slayed by Tybalt> This ultimately crossed the line for Romeo as Tybalt is becoming an ongoing problem to Romeo himself quoting, “This day’s black fate on moe days doth depend; This but begins the woe, others must end,”(3,1, 118-119) despairing Romeo’s sadness that he is expressing and the tragic events leading to several other characters death. At this time everything is going downhill with Mercutio dead and Romeo thinking if he should do something or