Tylenda's Journey In Saint Ignatius Of Loyola

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Saint Ignatius of Loyola is a prime example of an individual who was determined to find himself through God’s word and guidance. Through Tylenda’s narration, we follow Ignatius on his mission, and learn about his journey that was full of trials and tribulations. Throughout the book, vanity and the pilgrim — or pilgrimage — are two words that are referenced. By definition, vanity is the excessive pride one has in their self, and a pilgrimage is a long journey to someplace sacred. In the following paragraphs, I’ll describe how these words are understood in Tylenda’s autobiography of Ignatius. The expression of vanity was not something Ignatius was known for during his quest for spirituality. He was not one to boast, nor was he one to speak highly of himself. In fact, he did not anyone to know about his upcoming journey. For example, while attempting to get to Rome, …show more content…

His pilgrimage was a long and arduous journey that provided critical experiences to support his conversion. Much like Dr. Paul Farmer of Tracy Kidder’s Mountains Beyond Mountains, the pilgrimage provided the opportunity to help others along the way. While their personalities are somewhat contrasting — Dr. Paul, one who might be perceived as pompous, and Saint Ignatius, a religious man — they both maintained a selfless attitude and were on a mission. In conclusion, Tylenda’s autobiography of Saint Ignatius of Loyola is an inspiring tale of how a person’s quest for spirituality can be triggered by a single moment in life, one that provides a need for change and conversion. We are all embarking on a pilgrimage, some more quickly than others, and we should all have a common goal of finding good in all situations, and keeping our faith with God. We should also remain humble and charitable while interacting with