
US Postal Service Research Paper

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In 1775 the US Postal service was first established in Washington D.C.by the Continental Congress in order to deliver correspondence between congress and military personnel as a form of communication. Since then there have been many changes and progressive movements into delivering various types of postal goods. However, with the progression and change there have been negative setbacks within the U.S. postal services and management. In this essay I will be discussing about the management and leadership of United States postal service along with the transition from the starting period to present time. I will include the behavioral aspects of the U.S. Postal Service and how they overcame in times of hardship. Within constant change of the U.S. …show more content…

Any complaints from the people would force congress to take any initiatives. Due to lack of direction in management and equality in certain time timelines the postal service suffered several setbacks. For example, according to Sharfritz, Russell, et Borick “In 1970 the United Post office suffered their first strike causing a tremendous impact all over the US” (Sharfritz, Russell, et Borick, p.375). A man by the name of Vincent Sombrotto whom had worked as a letter carrier for over 24 years lead the strike . He implied the wages of employees were not receiving a sufficient amount in order to make ends meet. Thanks to his boldness and Leadership role, this changed compensational wages for all postal service employees. Although this is one example of the U.S. postal service management failures, there are positive examples that have demonstrated …show more content…

Along with the access of applications like Skype or face time; there is less need for mail services or personnel to address functions. As a result mail services are down and Congress may have to change certain mandates in order meet the demands of the business model. Currently as of 2017 the post office may lead to job cut-backs and minimize hiring in order subjugate an increase to pay for directors. According to Telegraph media group reporters stated “Post Office to cut 150 jobs-weeks after hiring 30 “highly paid” directors says workers union” (Telegraph media, 2017). This clearly violates the ethical business model of any organization and leaves many people to question how the infrastructure and management is

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