
Essay On Being A Beautiful Person

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If you are reading this, you are probably ugly. With that being said, you may be thinking of a number of things now. For example, you are probably wondering why I called you ugly with no knowledge of what you may look like, or maybe you are intrigued, and want to know why you are ugly. The truth is, I do not know if you are ugly or not, but do you? Look, the reason I called you ugly, was to get you to feel the power of that word. Correspondingly, being unattractive, being unappealing, being ugly, is one of the most negatively charged adjectives that could be used to describe a person. In matter of fact, it can be inferred that no one feels good, when they feel ugly. But, this makes me wonder, what does it really mean to be ugly? Is being unattractive …show more content…

Everyone is beautiful, and I mean that. Mere exposure, meaning the more frequently you see someone the more attractive they become, intelligence, creativity, and a sense of humor, are all things that contribute to being beautiful. Physical attractiveness is an aspect of being a beautiful person. Once I realized this I really began to feel beautiful, and not that temporary beautiful where the negative comment of one person could destroy you entire reflection, but the real kind. Once you genuinely understand what it means to be beautiful, and encompass it, it is there to stay. Yes insecurity is still there, yes there will be days you feel ugly, but you will never question your beauty. I now know that I am beautiful even when I am ugly. I am beautiful, because I love eating good food. I am beautiful because I worked my ass off, and finished high school with a 4.5 GPA. I am beautiful because I am empathetic, and most importantly, I am beautiful because I am me. Dictionary.com defines beautiful as “having beauty; possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or

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