3.07 Feasibility Study

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DISCLAIMER: I wasn’t mentally stable when writing this . I am ugly. That’s just a fact. If you are visually impaired (probably because you saw my face) and would like me to explain what I look like, I will provide you with a brief overview: • I am disgustingly overweight • I have acne • I have crooked teeth • I have a stupidly rounded face like the Michelin man • My nose is so droopy I could probably smell my own breath If you would like me to explain further. I can’t. If I did I would probably destroy the little self-esteem I have and I would put myself in a coma. This leads nicely to my next point. If you wandering why I would choose a coma instead of suicide, well firstly, I don’t want to die, I just want to sleep through this phase of …show more content…

Lesson such as history and geography are unbearable. In geography, we learn NOTHING mainly because we don’t have a geography teacher, we have a psychology teacher. I don’t want to complain in case I have the same teacher for psychology (subject I want to take). Both history and geography are unbearable. I can’t describe the people who annoy me but they are a mixture of S.H.I.T and chavs. I have a theory of why this is happening. STORY TIME! Once upon a time, a chav wouldn’t let me get passed him so I pushed past him and he fell over (unfortunately, I think it may have caused brain damage but it probably wouldn’t make a difference). The teacher I had didn’t notice, plus he was really nice so he wouldn’t tell me off. So, I think chav is gossiping about me to his friends. Anyway, I think he is still annoyed about it. One day, in history I hope we learn about medieval torture and we get a few ‘volunteers’. I think I’ve unleashed enough anger/sadness. There probably is still more, but this will do for now. I kind of hope a teacher sees this, they will either give me a merit or expel me (doesn’t matter, if I was in a coma I would miss most of my education anyway). I still feel I’ve got a bit more. I’m not a saint and I don’t plan to act like one to please others, otherwise I might implode with frustration. Anyway… I’ve wrote ‘enough’. Bye!