Unauthorized Immigration Thesis

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There are about eleven million unauthorized immigrants in the United states today. Illegal immigrants are a growing part of the labor force. A common argument is whether the Americans are taking jobs from Americans or if they are filling jobs Americans will not take. Unauthorized immigrants fill jobs Americans are not willing to take because Americans are too selective over the jobs they take and because farmers will not have enough workers to harvest fruits and vegetables.

According to the article “Farmers Want Law To Keep Immigrant Workers” a study showed that only two hundred sixty-eight Americans in North Carolina applied for over six thousand jobs and there are almost 500,000 unemployed people in the state. Ninety percent of the Americans were hired but only half of them showed up for the first day of work and only a handful finished growing season. The study above shows that Americans are too selective over the jobs they take. There are already many unauthorized immigrants working in the labor force today without them we would have many labor shortages.

The text states that unauthorized immigrants fill about 5.1 percent of the United States labor force. Farmers are demanding that the government creates a law to allow illegal immigrant to work legally in the United States. Without this law there is no …show more content…

In only one area, seasonal agricultural jobs, is there a case where we need more temporary workers, and we already have a federal program to fill those jobs legally. . .” Many other Americans would agree with this statement. On the other hand many articles talk about how many farmers are demanding a law to fill jobs that are needed for growing season. This author may be correct in the fact that Americans and legal immigrants fill most of the jobs needed, but for seasonal agriculture we are in need of many more