Underage Drinking Persuasive Essay

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With binge drinking being one of the more popular alcohol events that young adults/college students pursue during parties or pre-games. It isn't hard to understand why there are college kids chugging beer or drinking shots after shots, when the very activity they do is illegal for them. The excitement with the added unavailability of the product will definitely catch the eyes of young adults or college students. Yet this only applies in American Universities. In Canadian Universities, though this study is out of date, an 1998-1999 study by the Department of Social Health and Behavior stated that though Canadian students have a higher report of alcohol use, American students have a 12% higher usage of heavy alcohol use.Which would mean the consumption …show more content…

With how the college system is set up, there will always be funding of alcohol from seniors to freshman. My proposal isn't to change the college system or put a heavier penalty on underage drinking, rather I believe that setting up an pro-visionary program that oversees the educating of proper alcohol knowledge and wisdom towards young adults at the age of 18. With the supervision of adults who've experience with alcohol, they will educate young adults on the benefits of drinking but also the consequences that may also come if one abuses it.This research proposal's theme is to mainly discuss about my plans to research further in the benefits that come with legalizing or setting up an pro-visionary program that allows the legal drinking age to be dropped to the age of 18. The decision to select this subject was mainly because of my personal experience. Due to my international background, I was able to purchase and drink alcohol at a age that is considered illegal in America. I've seen with my own personal experience of strangers or friends unable to properly protect their safety or drink in a amount that is unfit for them in places such as bars or clubs. The main purpose of this research proposal, is to discuss about the necessity of bringing in a pro-visionary program on educating young adults to be able to handle themselves and be able to protect themselves from the possible danger of abusing