Unequal Color By Ida B. Wells: Chapter Summary

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In the beginning, the book opened with the social, economic, and political struggle of African Americans. The experience was extremely gruesome for both the enslaved and new generation of freed slaves. As the years passed, the oppression became worse for people of color even though they were free there were several stipulations put in place to hold them back from succeeding. The University of Chicago immediately recognized the major hitches with discrimination and decided to move forward with implementing studies for social research better known as the “Chicago School”. These studies showed that although African-Americans were going through a social disadvantage. Historically Black Colleges & Universities were there to support and uplift one another through education and determination by creating purposeful foundations. While pursuing their education the Black community viewed them as extraordinary scholars, but in the Caucasian community many viewed them as regular people that were not equal when it came to their talent, education, and economic success. Refusing to be just your “everyday Negro” was the rightfully outspoken political rebellion Ida B. Wells. Her mission in the chapter reveled that she was a civil rights activist for her community as well against lynching of Blacks. Ms. Wells believed in equals right by any means …show more content…

Mann’s research would later go on to be inspirational publications that informed people about the severity of female violence. Another exceptional publication is the popular book Unequal Justice: A Question of Color were she spreads the word about discrimination not just on gender-based level, but on a racial injustice aspect. Ms. Mann goes into depth on African American, Asian American, and Hispanic American struggles and how they’re all categorized to be economically deprived and pre-determined criminals. Mann sought to perform studies to eliminate racial discrimination and proper/ fair funding for minority