Unfairly Stoned To Death In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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“The Lottery”, a twisted tale of how people are unfairly stoned to death because they are the winner of the lottery. The tradition is that every year people gather around and all the men draw paper out of a black box; which ever man pulls the marked paper out is subject to him and his family redrawing to see which member of the family is stoned to death. The story is full of literary devices like settings, themes, and symbols that give a deeper meaning to “The Lottery”. The major theme in “The Lottery” is unfair persecution of an individual. Tessie had no reason to be stoned to death. She was a popular housewife and individual in the village. The Randomness of persecution is what really makes the story unique. The reason she was murdered was because of the marked paper she had drawn. It is scary how quickly Tessie’s family and friends turn on her because she drew the marked paper. The random prosecution shows how people in the story and in real life can unexplainably take part in cruel traditions or acts for no known reason. …show more content…

Since the story takes place in a small rural area it makes since as to why the lottery still takes place. The people are less educated and have not experienced much other culture outside of what is known by the villagers; many of the villagers are old and have taken part in the lottery their whole life. The elderly villagers make remarks about how nothing good can come from quitting the lottery because of hearing that other villages have quit participating in it. Because the setting is in a small town it is hard to break traditions no matter how good or bad the tradition