Online Study

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Use of online education is rapidly increasing in various spheres, such as theology and medicine (Hockridge 2013; Holland et al. 2013). Medical colleges and universities have also started using online resources in the nurses` education. Nurses` studying is mostly short-term, while their role in hospitals is significant; whereas, online study can give additional knowledge and experience. For example, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing (2014) offers to their students online programs for Masters in Health Systems Management. Also, students from Harvard School of Public Health (2014) can get Masters of Public Health in Epidemiology via the Internet. In this review it will be stated that online education for nurses can be perceived as a professional …show more content…

The article published by Holland et al. (2013, 663) demonstrated that educational online video could be beneficial for undergraduate nurses in teaching oral medication administration. The authors educated two groups of medical students using different approaches to determine which group would receive better results (Holland et al. 2013, 664). The first group that was called Control group and consisted of 168 first year undergraduate nursing students was taught according to standard practice, such as lectures and class activities; whereas, the second group, where were 154 first year undergraduate nursing students and was named Intervention group, had unlimited access to online video materials about medication administration in addition to standard teaching (Holland et al. 2013, 665). At the end of experiment the researchers took an assessment and survey to see the difference between two groups. The Intervention group had approximately the same number of students who received high and medium pass during OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) but had fewer students who have failed the assessment. In addition, the voluntarily taken survey found that the Intervention group`s satisfaction rate is higher than Control group`s satisfaction rate (Holland et al. 2013, 665-668). Especially, participants from Intervention group stated that they have learned better how to find their own strengths …show more content…

Firstly, Holland et al. (2013) and Yousey (2013) in their research used combination of traditional and online education. However, they did not consider the use of only online education. We do not know whether students will obtain the same results in the assessments if they will not use components of traditional education system, such as in-class activities and live lectures. The second aspect that was not considered in both articles is the change of results under different circumstances. For instance, both research were conducted with the help of professors. However, it is crucial to determine whether the outcomes will be the same without any professors` help, since online education is mostly used by people who have not access to universities and colleges. The last limitation of the research is the disregard of other types of Internet resources. Two articles did not consider in depth the use of other components of online resources, such as pictures, online exams, and forums. It is unknown whether other resources will increase the knowledge of nurses and make the online education more