Unforgettable Experience In School

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With the times going, this is my sixth year at the Suzhou Industrial Park Foreign Language school, but it also is the last. Every time, I realize this is my last year. A kind of strange feeling will coming out from my heart.

This week, I chatted with my old friend, who was my classmate from middle school. Although, he has went to other school, after we graduated, but we still chat sometimes. Wednesday, I sent message to he and gave regards to he. Then, we talked about the university. He said, “ Time is going fast.” And then I answered “ Yep, this is my sixth year at this school.” At the first minute, I did not feel anything strange. But he just said “ Also is the last year.” Soon, I felt a little bit scared for his answered. But, I was lost in thought.

School life is not relax, and easy than parents thought, at least this is my own opinion. I always share things were happened at the school with my family, which made me felt anger or happy. I might felt angered at that moment. But, those things are all become my valuable memory later. They all set up my beautiful high school life. I might complained before, dislike this school, or hate someone’s behavior. But, the most strange thing is this school that is one of my most unforgettable thing in my life. I mean is not too hate this school to cannot forget it. Oppositely, I love everything in this school. I love environment, teachers, classmates in my life. My parents let me consider my future university, job, and life. I