Essay About Study Abroad

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1. Introduction
Study-abroad is a very common experience among university students. In the past, study abroad has provided significant personal and professional international and intercultural experiences for a lot of students around the world (Landis et al. 2004, p. 289). International education has been growing popularity worldwide in these days at university level with a combination of local and international students in class. “Many western countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Canada provide education for a huge number of foreign students from a diverse range of countries.” Students are taught in English in “western” education philosophy and students experience a different approach in education and the acquisition of knowledge whose first language is not English (Dalglish et al. 2011, p. 1).
There are various types of study-abroad programs available at the university level. Students can study a whole program at abroad or a semester or more of a degree outside their home country. Nowadays, interest in study-abroad is increasing around the world. A recent study conducted by the American Council of Education’s (ACE’S) Centres …show more content…

In Europe, 3 million students gained study abroad experience and in the USA the Simon bill passed in 2009, aims to have 1 million students study abroad by 2020. Spending a semester or more of the degree or undertaking an internship creates opportunity to become a global citizen, also broaden the ways of thinking. Study abroad can create an opportunity to learn a new language, increase intercultural communication skill. Research suggests that students who have studied abroad perform better in the final year and come back with more motivation and career focus. For example, nurses who had studied abroad returned with developed cultural sensitivity, increased nursing knowledge, and a global view of