Compare And Contrast Me Vs Unfriendly Dog

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Me vs the Unfriendly Dog On March 29, 2011 my 7th Birthday may have been one of the worst in my seven years of life. When I was seven, I was at my old house. It was sometime in the morning when everyone was starting to pile into the Birthday party and I was still getting ready in my room. At this time my hair was a short brown bob and I still had bangs. Once I was done getting ready I finally came outside my room, and was overwhelmed at how many people were there my friends and lots of adults were walking around and chatting amongst themselves. A few people noticed that I walked out of my room and greeted me. Some I knew really well, and some not so much because they were friends of the other adults. Once I did all my greetings I went outside to see if there were anymore people I needed to say hi to, but I didn't notice anyone else I could say hi to so I decided to see what my other friends were doing and hang out with them for a while. It was a nice day outside, preferably warm and the birds were out chirping everywhere and I could hear the adults talking in the far background I would also smell the food that was being cooked on the grill. …show more content…

I have got to know this dog before but, the dog never really was comfortable with me being around it so I tried to keep my distance from the dog. There was times where the dog did want to come near me and let me pet it but that was a very rare experience and there was days where it wanted nothing to do with me. I mean I was perfectly fine with having space with the dog I just didn't like the dog as much because it was a lot bigger than me. This day was not a good day for me nor the dog that was in the situation, as I was playing with my friends I was running around a fence and got too close to the