
Unio Union Pacific Essay

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While Union Pacific takes communication seriously and goes a good job of keeping its consumers and employees informed, more can always be done to improve the company’s communications.

While the company is active with social media, there can be more done to engage with audiences. While their Twitter and Facebook pages have regular posts and a variety of interactions, the company could interact with newer forms of social media to keep up on trends and interactions with the younger crowd. Adding a Snapchat would be an easy way for the company to show off what they’re doing and collect another source of followers for the brand.

As for its model of communication on social media, the two-way model is working well. The company engages its consumers with games and trivia, and is active in its responses. Other forms of communication could move to this model, though, such as its Instagram account. By moving from the public information model to the two-way symmetrical model, the brand will be viewed as more personable and friendly, allowing consumers to approach it easier with questions and comments. …show more content…

There was very little found on the relationship between the companies on its website, and the brand could do more to strengthen this. It would lead to stronger alliances and keep the consumers well informed on the company and its relationships and actions. The company could also strengthen its internal and external communications, as well as its brand image, by adding more information about the employees of the company on its website, especially those in the higher positions. This would give the company a more personable look, with faces to go with the

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