APUSH Unit 2 Long Essay In 1603, the English were still a small rising nation, poorer than most, and less powerful than Spain and France. Although the British colonies settled in the Americas late, they quickly became a dominant force in the new world. After they acquired their first permanent settlement in Jamestown, VA in 1607, the British became attracted to greater power and more land, which was the first building block of perhaps the most powerful European nation of the time period. Due to their growth in the Americas, the British were able to be compared to the Spanish colonies of the time period, which boosted the English’s confidence.
Explain what “proctoring” means and why the UoPeople requires proctored exams. Proctors oversee the final exam to ensure the proper person is taking the exam and to see the integrity of the exam process is upheld. Proctors eliminate the potential for cheating and fraud and validate the exam. The University of the People requires that students complete proctored exams for a specific number of courses as determined by their degree type.
Dear God, why have you neglected me? What do you need from me? What could it be that you needed me to do? I did all that I could to help the poor souls and now I have turned into their killer rather than their saviour. Eminent Father, excuse me for I knew not what I was doing.
Proctor exams have been implemented at universities all around the world. A proctor is usually an adult who supervises you when you are taking any type of test. According to the University catalog (2015), you are required to take many final exams that require a proctor. They must be least 21 years old, willing to comply with polices and procedures, have an internet connection, and cannot be related to the student. During the exams, the proctor must be present at all times.
From a reader’s perspective, Ignatowski misguides the audience from the initial point about how proctoring discriminates against the neurodiverse. Although the author mentions the discrimination of neurodiverse students, in the article’s title, these students are not discussed as much as one would expect. Ignatowski mainly discusses the negatives of exam proctoring and how students rely on online resources to succeed. As a reader, it is recommended that authors title articles based on the primary topics, rather than picking a minor detail that is rarely discussed.
1. Explain what “proctoring” means and why the UoPeople requires proctored exams. “Protecting means restricted by law to access or development (land) as so preserve its natural state “(Google definition). The University of People requires protected exams because” it is a condition of awarding degree and diploma and students cannot graduate unless all required protected exams are successfully completed “(university of People catalog).
Historical Perspective of William Penn Who is William Penn? William Penn is the founder of Pennsylvania also known as Penn’s woods back then, William Penn is a Quaker, William Penn was the son of William Penn Sr. and Margaret Penn, William Penn was a friend of the indigenous people of the Americas, most importantly William Penn was a visionary who despite all odds and persecution became a great American hero of liberty. William Penn was born on October 14, 1644 in London, England (Powell, J. (n.d.)). William Penn was one of the few individuals to not only make enormous contributions to the New World but to the Old World as well. Before Penn even thought of the idea where individuals could seek religious freedom against persecution,
1. Explain what “proctoring” means and why the UoPeople requires proctored exams. Proctoring is the supervision of a student while taking an exam off the campus of the university usually used in distance learning (Distance Learning. Wisconsin, n.d.). The UoPeople requires proctored exams as it is an online University and as such does not offer the traditional classroom setting where students can be monitored to adhere to the code of conduct with respect to taking exams. 2.
It is said that, “Curiosity killed the cat,” and although curiosity did not kill Young Goodman Brown, it may have killed his spirit. One of my favorite and most memorable stories is, “Young Goodman Brown,” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. His stories often characterized the natural naivety in humans, supernatural beings and moral lessons, all elements of the Romanticism Era. The Romanticism Era originally sprouted in Europe, it was a new form of literature that sparked outrage but also ignited curiosity.
Truth. A word, a concept, a reality that philosophers and all humans have been striving to understand. Ancient Greek philosopher Amelius thought that truth was the “bringing of what was previously hidden into the open” and he believed that this access to truth is in all humans and is part of what makes up humans. Nathaniel Hawthorne in his short story Young Goodman Brown delves into a different aspect of human nature; there is some evil in everyone. This allows Young Goodman Brown to be faced with problems many people deal with in one's life.
According to the UoPeople Catalog, proctoring is necessary for 11 courses to achieve the bachelor's degree or in 5 courses for the associate's degree level. The goal of this practice is to have a person to monitor in the final examination process, assuring that the student itself it is taking it (UoPeople, 2017). This is due to the distance education profile once that some courses should ensure that the student itself it's responsible for the activities of the course, given the importance of this course to the student formation. However, there are specific criteria that qualify people as a proctor, being that they must be over 21 years old, cannot be relatives of the student who is taking the course, have a respectable position in society,
A proctor defined by Miriam Webster is a supervisor, monitor; specifically one appointed to supervise students. (Merriam-Webster, 2015) University of the People requires proctored exams for several reasons. According to the University catalogue, students are required to complete all proctored exams in his or her course study whether that be for an Associate’s degree, or a Bachelors. Students will not be able to graduate from UoPeople without having completed all proctored exams; this is a regulation of the school.
Now, in college, cheating will place an academic warning on your official transcript, making it visible to other institutions. I am going to come clean, about cheating in the far past. I am taking, full responsibility that cheat is a unethical habit. Most students decide to cheat, because they want high grades, without much effort. I can’t remember the exact incident, that occured cheating, although I have.
1. Explain what “proctoring” means and why the UoPeople requires proctored exams. proctoring is an essential process in learning evaluation, designed to make sure that the students followed the institute integrity instructions during the exams. proctored exams are fundamental in any academic institute especially in virtual learning institutes like University of the people where all materials, assignments, and exams are accomplished online. the university has to make sure that it 's learning method is effective as it should be, and they should do their best to assure the student 's integrity. 2.
Even though there are ways to help a student not to cheat or plagiarize is to keep a record of their work, ensure that it matches their topic and try as much as you can to use your words and knowledge. Students cheat to raise their grades. The latest national study from the Centre for Academic Integrity shows that “to get good grades” was a primary motive for cheating among high school students (McCabe, 2001) (Finn, K. V., & Frone, M. R. ,2004). Raising the grade is one of the most requirable pros that a cheating students aim for.