Unit 3 Theory And Practice Paper

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Improving health is to teach schoolgirls and invest womenfolk (Frontlines, 2011), which is a new concept that I hear in this module because I thought that improving health requires advancing the health systems to serve all populations in equity to prevent disease. Moreover, the health systems are social organizations need adequate funding, and reasonable health system adds to societal structure and strength (Frontlines, 2011).

According to Heinig (2007), involvement of the appropriate personnel at each stage of modification can assist groups to step frontward by creating plans for each stage. Furthermore, Heward (2007) stated that enhancing productivity and effectiveness of health preferment, aptitude-constructing contexts for health advancement should position organizational change as ultimate to the primary …show more content…

Many people thought that the health development is the reason of transmittable diseases eradication as malaria and smallpox, but the actual causes are the nutrition, water, politics, and many other additional environmental factors. Nevertheless, nobody can deny the contribution of the medical discoveries and technology in preventing diseases.

The practical using of template in applying interventions that enhance people to modify their behaviors increases the opportunity of success, and it can assist in altering the contest and the social culture (Friedan, 2010).

Unit 4 Models for Programme Planning and Evaluation
The successful programs should guide by model, so, the project interventions, evaluation, and actions are following the health models to get the anticipated goals.
NCI (2005) states the theories that can be used in public health as explanatory principles, which used in planning, intervening, and evaluating of the activities, and then articulating the

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